Hair Loss And Growth

Why is my Hair Falling Out? 10 Triggers of Hair Loss

by Raychel Agramon, RN, MPM, April 27, 2020

why is my hair falling out

Hair loss is considered a blow to one’s appearance and self-esteem. The thought of thinning hair why is my hair falling out – and some strands falling – are nightmares for many. If you find yourself in this situation, know that you are not alone! According to the US National Library of Medicine, a person can lose up to 100 strands every day. And, should you beyond the normal rate, here are 10 possible reasons why you might be suffering from profound hair loss: 

why is my hair falling out

  • You’re getting old.
  • Aging is a part of life. Everybody gets old unless you're a mythical being or something. Although with age comes wisdom, it usually comes with hair loss as well. 

    When you get older, your scalp produces lesser amounts of oil. This makes your strands brittle, predisposing you to hair thinning and eventual loss. 

    What to Do: You can’t stop aging, so you might as well take care of your scalp. Eat well, drink a lot of water, get rid of stress and other factors (as listed below) that may lead to hair loss. 

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    why is my hair falling out

  • It runs in the family.
  • If your uncle or dad (even your aunt or mom) suffer from hair loss, chances are you are most likely to suffer from it as well. Androgenetic alopecia, commonly known to many as male- or female-pattern hair loss, often occurs in families. 

    In men, hair loss begins around the temples and the crown. As the hairline further recedes, the characteristic “M” pattern emerges. 

    Women are somehow safer from over-all hair loss since androgenetic alopecia only causes thinning. It rarely leads to baldness. 

    What to Do: While you can’t change your genes, you can try two pharmaceutical products that may help treat Androgenetic Alopecia. They are Minoxidil (Rogaine) and Finasteride (Propecia). Of course, you would want to be aware of the side effects of long term use and any drug interactions.

  • You’re stressed out. 
  • If you’re super stressed out about your work or your relationships, then it could be the reason why you’re shedding your mane. According to experts from the University of Pittsburgh – Medical Center, anxiety has been linked to several hair loss conditions, such as Telogen effluvium. In this temporary condition, stress can halt the production of new hair strands. Old locks, on the other hand, tend to fall out easier and faster than usual.

    What to Do: Relax. Take a breather. Meditate. Engage in techniques that can help relieve your anxiety. 

  • You’re not eating right. 
  • You might be dieting a lot to fit into your wedding dress – and while you might lose weight, you stand to lose your hair as well. According to a study printed in the Dermatology Practical and Conceptual Journal, hair loss might happen if your diet is deficient in the following vitamins and minerals:

    • Vitamin A
    • Vitamin D
    • Vitamin E 
    • Folic Acid 
    • Biotin
    • Iodine
    • Zinc
    • Niacin
    • Selenium
    • Fatty Acids
    • Amino Acids and Proteins 
    • Antioxidants 

    What to Do: Eat foods high in these vitamins and minerals. Visit Nutrition Value for the complete details. 

    why is my hair falling out

  • You style your hair a little too often. 
  • Using hair straighteners or curlers – even pulling your hair tightly back – can spell doom for your hair health. These activities might lead to scalp inflammation, which can destroy hair follicles. Such can eventually lead to hair loss. 

    What to Do: Give your hair a break. Avoid straightening or curling your hair in the meantime. Loosen your ponytail or let your hair free once in a while. 

  • You are a woman with high androgen levels.
  • Androgen is a hormone common in men, though it occurs in low levels in women as well. However, when they are increased, as with the case of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome or Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia, hair loss can take place.

    A rise in Dihydrotestosterone or DHT, a type of androgen, can make the follicles shrink. As a result, they are unable to foster hair growth.  

    What to Do: Consult with your doctor regarding treatment for your hormonal disorder. You can only avoid hair loss if the underlying condition is treated. 

  • You have just given birth. 
  • Childbirth is a lovely yet painful journey. Nothing beats seeing your precious child – until you see your hairs falling one by one.

    Why is my hair falling out? According to the American Pregnancy Association, hair loss usually happens 3 to 4 months after childbirth. This is due to your hormone levels reverting to normal, as they were previously increased during pregnancy. 

    After giving birth, approximately 60% of your head hair can enter the resting or telogen phase. During this stage, hair growth is inhibited for approximately 100 days. 

    What to Do: While childbirth-associated hair loss is scary, it is a temporary condition. Normal hair growth can return in 6 months to up to a year. Eat foods that boost hair health, and remember to shampoo and comb your hair carefully. 

  • You’re suffering from a scalp infection. 
  • If you notice some redness, swelling, scaling, even pus on your scalp area, then you might be suffering from some sort of infection. The usual culprits behind these might be bacteria or fungi. Invasion of these microbes can lead to folliculitis or the inflammation of hair follicles. In some cases, the follicles are eventually destroyed, leading to permanent hair loss. 

    What to Do: Consult with your physician at the first sign of infection. He may prescribe anti-bacterial or anti-fungal medications, depending on your case. For best results, remember to follow your doctor’s directions on applying the drug.

  • You’re taking some medications. 
  • Medications come with a variety of side effects, ranging from mild to severe. But for these drugs, hair loss is a usual complication:

    • Antacids such as Cimetidine
    • Acne formulations such as Isotretinoin
    • Blood pressure medications such as Captopril
    • Cholesterol-lowering drugs such as Simvastatin or Atorvastatin
    • Anti-gout meds such as Colchicine 
    • Steroid preparations such as Testosterone and Progesterone 

    What to Do: If the hair loss caused by your medications is bothering you, consult with your physician. He may adjust the dose or shift your meds as needed. 

    why is my hair falling out

  • You’re undergoing chemotherapy. 
  • In 2018, the National Cancer Institute recorded 1.735 million cases of cancer. Of these people, more than 600,000 are most likely to die if cancer is not detected or treated promptly.

    One of the more successful cancer treatments is chemotherapy, medications that attack cells that grow quickly. Apart from targeting cancer cells, chemotherapy is quite effective in killing rapidly-dividing hair cells. Such leads to temporary hair loss. 

    What to Do: What's good about chemotherapy-induced hair loss is that it's temporary. You can expect your hair to grow 3 to 6 months after a round of treatment. In the meantime, go wear wigs or hats when you go outside.